4th Grade College Project
4th grade students at Allisonville Elementary have been working on a project that will ultimately give them a confidence about college, as they inquire deeply into their subject matter . Each student has been assigned an Indiana College that they research from many different angles. While learning about the college institution, they are also learning about Indiana History. In addition to the research portion of the project, students have also established a pen pal relationship with students in the College of Education at Purdue. The communications between the students allow the 4th graders to learn more about what college is like in general and form a personal connection with a current college student. “The project has so many benefits,” said teacher Josh Bolles. “The college confidence in one layer, learning Indiana History is another, and another added benefit is the practice of letter writing.”
One student has even taken the project a step further; he visited the college that he has been researching, Manchester College over the winter holiday. After having a campus tour and visit to the College Archives, not only has the student deepened his own inquiry, but Manchester College is also writing an article on him for their next publication.